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Our Diamondized™ Solutions

NanoMPI offers a variety of out-of-the-box solutions that seek to tackle common problems in a wide range of industries. We also work with our clients to customize solutions to address their unique challenges. Please click on the images below to learn more. 

Black Nanodiamond Powder

Nanodiamond Powders

We offer off-the-shelf and custom detonation nanodiamond powders and suspensions for a variety of applications.


Friction & Lubrication

Our Diamondized™ lubricants and greases will extend equipment life, lower maintenance costs and keep you moving forward!

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Custom Coatings

Adding detonation nanodiamonds to metallic surfaces and coatings  will reduce wear and mprove performance.

3D Printer

3D Printing Solutions

Adding nanodiamonds to printer nozzles, filament, and print bed coating will improve quality, reliability and consistency of your 3D designs. 

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RELIEF!™ Therapeutics

We offer a growing line of  Diamondized™ therapeutics that tackle pain and inflammation quickly and without any known negative side effects.

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